By Ken Fortie

A nudge from winter’s waking breath sends shivers through the trees.
Leaves dawn their travel colors for a flight on autumn’s breeze.
Their summer job of shading from harsh sunlight is now done.
And with delight they find their new found freedom’s just begun.

So to the swirling wind they say, your wish is our command.
And memories of their travels, they are written in the sand.
While racing down the street their chatter makes a chilling sound.
And one by one they cast a spell on those who are earthbound.
Now out of breath they pause to rest their weary wings a tad
Then dash away just one more time before they’re winter clad.

Like moving polka dots they glide against a crisp blue sky.
They swirl about and warn of snow to each cold passerby.
While winter waits they have no care and fly from street to street.
At last to find an end as they are crunched by tiny feet.
What fairy steals their colors bold and turns them all to brown.
She darts o’er hill and dell each night in every little town.

Soon winter finds them sleeping and a blanket she does send
To bring their playful mischief quite abruptly to an end.
Each snowflake glides so innocent then touches down at last
And trillions more do follow pressing leaves into the past.

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